Experienced Sheep, Beef & Deer Livestock Manager looking for a long term Farm Manager/ Stock Manager role. Family man seeking the opportunity for a place my children can call home and I can do what I do best... Raise quality stock. (With a bit of hunting and dog trialing on the side) My wife's a small business owner with broken in dogs, capable of giving me a hand when needed.
I remain open minded in terms of location for the right opportunity.
Have a browse of my C.V or pick up the phone for a chat, you won't be disappointed!
Matt Clark
High Country Station Deer Manager, Velveting ticket, reporting, staff Management/ mentoring. Assisting sheep and beef blocks. Organizing contractors, farm app software, recording data, tallies, pasture management.
Experienced mustering on foot, ATV, chopper, horseback.
All daily animal husbandry.
Livestock Manager for an iconic High Country Station, leading a team of shepherds & additional staff, managing the sheep, beef, deer. Reaching KPIs, organizing contractors, stock trucks, shearers and rosters. Large mobs, big hills and high quality stock production. Reporting, record keeping etc.
All daily animal husbandry requirements.
Farm Management in Central Otago. 2000ha of hill country and 700ha irrigated flats. Half breds and Cattle. Daily animal husbandry, Farm maintenance, Winter crops.
Currently full-time casual in the Hawkes Bay & Gisborne area while finding the right fit for our family.