Kaikōura Wilderness Experience

Puhi Peaks Station is the highest privately owned property in New Zealand, rising from 400m to 2600m. It is the extraordinary range of topography that makes it truly unique. The geology in particular of Puhi Peaks is unique and the extensive range of biodiversity quite outstanding. Puhi Peaks Nature Reserve is internationally renowned for its rare and endangered flora and fauna. The ecology of this QE II protected area is quite outstanding.

The most famous is the Hutton’s Shearwater, the only seabird in the world to nest in the subalpine at 1800m asl. The colony at Puhi Peaks is 1 of only 2 remaining wild breeding colonies in the world. Home also An absolutely beautiful tree native tree in New Zealand, the Olearia Hectorii, grows on Puhi Peaks Station with only 6 populations left in the whole country, we are delighted to protect and preserve one of its last strongholds.

We gladly welcome all to Puhi Peaks as it is our pleasure to share these and other wonders with local community, students, researchers, and international visitors, so we can share our love and passion for taking care of New Zealand’s wilderness. Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship for future generations.