$65,000 - $85,000 yearly
Mangapui Trust
Homewood Road, Homewood, New Zealand
The opportunity has arisen for a Stock Manager to join our team. If you are a currently a stock manager or an experienced shepherd looking for your next step then this is for you.
We operate a high performance, family owned sheep and beef breeding and finishing business. Within in the business we have two properties - Uriti Farm and Kohiwai Farm. We run 13,000su over 1800ha. We are located at Homewood 55 km from Masterton and 5 minutes from Riversdale beach
The role is stock manager for Uriti Farm which is 7500su and is a mixed contour hill country farm. The stock manager will work with the farm owner and will be responsible for feed planning, stock rotations, monitoring and recording stock performance, animal health planning and recording.
The ideal applicant will :
-have a keen interest in stock performance and high level of stockmanship with a team of dogs
-have a willingness and an eagerness to learn
- be able to work independently and as part of a...