My name is Gustavo de Togni, I am an American Italian who will soon move to New Zealand to study and I am in search of work before I even arrive. It is very difficult to talk about yourself without being exaggerated, but I will be as realistic as possible!I am an explorer, a lover of nature, always looking for challenges! I believe in the power of inspiration, to change the lives of the people around us. My first goal in life is to grow as a person, to make my knowledge greater today than it was yesterday, and finally to be able to inspire others.Last but not least, I am a good apprentice, with a great instinct for communication, with a spirit of teamwork and with great experience.Besides, I am moving to study in a university and get a good job, to build my life in this incredible country, surrounded by the most beautiful views of nature, and owner of an ancestral people with great wisdom.
Basically, our work it was do protection service of headquarters of 14º RCMEC (14º Mechanized Cavalry Regiment). Also, I made various activities, as survival lessons, first aid, stellar orientation by sextantand maps, sports activities, and many others. In this time, I received two indications, one as best soldier of squadron, and then, one as best soldier of regiment. The Brazilian Army service was a great time in my life, when I could learn precious things of life, and make good friends.
Cooper Alfa is one of biggest cooperatives of Latin America, working in various sectors of agriculture in the South of the country. I started my work in internal sales, and then, technical assistance for farmers, especially in sustainable management of grassland for milk production. It was a great time to see the realities and difficulties of farmers in my country, and how they fight every day in the ground, to give us our food.
When the NIDERA S/A began his activities in Brazil, I was part of the team to the south of the country, making the planting, management, harvesting and analysis of experimental research fields with corn, soybean, wheat and sunflowers, as well as sales, lectures and conducting field days for farmers and other professionals. One of the most important experiencesfor me, because it put myself in contact with great professionals of the area, where I could learn lots of important things.
The INOVA ÓLEO (OIL INNOVATES in free translation), was born of love for nature, and the need for organization of waste management in an emerging country as Brazil. I'm one of the co-founders of the company, acting in almost 40 cities, giving opportunity local businesses to do the proper disposal of this waste. Today, Inova Óleo recycle approximately 10 thousand liters of vegetable oil every month. My job was to support, doing educational talks in schools, local business and other institutions, spreading the idea.
I'm coo founder of Hupets, a social business here in Brazil that believe in the conection between men and dogs. We work with animal welfare, nutrition and also with the non-governamental institutions that care of animals in abandon situation, supporting and spreading the importance and consequences of animal abandonment, to build in our children, a new concience about this relation ship that extends for 30 thousand years. My job is to support the team with comercial and markeing strategies, and lectures about our job in companies and public institutions, like schools for exemple.